Archive for the ‘Latex’ Category

latex for typing quotes

Pumas are “large, cat-like animals” which are `found in America’.
` is the key above “tab” key.

Pumas are “large, cat-like animals” which are ‘found in America’.



add space or text in equation


one space: \text{}

multiple spaces:\text{}\text{}\text{}  or \qquad

latex to type limit or other formulas without quick button


/mathop {/lim }/limits_{n /to /infty}

%write the formula in Mathtype,and then copy to Latex

latex classfied function

%left brace

A & 0<t<\tau \\
&                             \\

0 & \mathrm{elsewhere}

%right brace

& \mathcal{F}[a_1s_1(t)+a_2s_2(t)]=a_1S_1(\omega)+a_2S_2(\omega) \\
\mathrm{and}  &                             \\
& \mathcal{F}^{-1}[a_1S_1(\omega)+a_2S_2(\omega)]=a_1s_1(t)+a_2s_2(t)

latex enumerate

% a) b) c)


change example/equation caption style

%Example Caption Order
%Equation order style

%insert example

Find the Fourier series expansion of the following function.

%refer to example



visio->print pdf

open pdf with acrobat

document->crop pages->click remove white margins ->save as eps

latex figure


%Figure caption style

%insert figure

\begin{figure}[placement h]

%refer to figure





\subfigure[]{\label{204-b}\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{2042.eps}} \\
\subfigure[]{\label{204-c}\includegraphics[scale=0.8]{2043.eps}} \\

%refer to subfigure


Latex book template

\evensidemargin 0.0in
\oddsidemargin 0.0in
\textwidth 6.5in
%\headheight 0.0in
\topmargin 0.0in
\textheight 8.0in
%\headsep 0.0in
\usepackage{caption2}%Figure Caption
\usepackage{wrapfig}%Wrappping figure

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection\ #1}}

generate pdf with Latex beamer

  • insert special symbols


  • when titlepage is not printable

dvi->ps, ps->pdf